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Tips for a Sober Holiday Season
The holiday season can bring a mix of excitement and anxiety, especially for those in drug or alcohol addiction recovery. Embracing a sober holiday experience allows you to enjoy the festivities with a clear mind and heart. By focusing on what truly matters, such as quality time with loved ones, meaningful traditions, and personal well-being,...
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Gratitude in Addiction Recovery, Ways to Cultivate Gratitude during Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a holiday that many of us associate with family and friend get-togethers and big holiday dinners. But for those in recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction, Thanksgiving takes on a whole new meaning. It is not just about the turkey and the trimmings. It is about reflecting on the journey of recovery...
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Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, Alcohol Addiction,
Did you know that in the United States, alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance? More than 17 million adults, or one out of every twelve, are dependent on alcohol. Although alcohol is legal and easy to acquire, it is a drug. As a central nervous system depressant, alcohol slows down the chemical signals...
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Everyone feels down or sad once in a while. The feelings may last for a few days or a week or two depending on the reason and circumstances. These feelings are normal. But if the feelings of intense sadness last longer than two weeks, occur almost every day, and affect how you function in your...
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alcoholism, What Is Alcohol Addiction?, Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction
In 2019, 14.5 million people in the United States ages twelve and older had an alcohol use disorder (AUD), and each year the number increases. Alcohol use disorder is the term that encompasses alcohol addiction (also known as alcoholism), alcohol dependence, and alcohol abuse. It can be mild, moderate, or severe. It is not uncommon...
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It is estimated that millions of Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) each year, yet many remain unaware of this condition and its effects. SAD, a form of depression linked to seasonal changes, often goes unrecognized, leaving individuals without the help they need.  What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Seasonal affective disorder is a type...
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Myths and Truths about Addiction Recovery
What Are Myths about Addiction and Recovery?One definition of myth is a false belief held by many people. When it comes to addiction and recovery, myths are harmful to everyone involved. Only when people understand the truth about substance abuse, addiction, and recovery can long-term healing begin. We offer below seven common addiction myths and...
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What Is Methamphetamine? Methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth or meth, is a very potent central nervous system psychostimulant. It produces feelings of euphoria, along with increased energy, alertness, and attention. Methamphetamine is classified as a Schedule II drug under the Food and Drug Administration’s Controlled Substances Act. Schedule II drugs have a high potential...
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How Meditation helps Addiction Recovery, Five Different Meditation Types for Addiction Recovery,
Meditation is a simple but powerful technique that has many benefits for people in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. It is the practice of developing awareness of the present moment by focusing your mind. Doing this regularly improves self-control, promotes self- confidence, and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. It fosters an overall sense of...
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How Addiction Changes the Brain, Chronic Addiction, Addiction Is a Disease
The question of whether addiction to drugs or alcohol is a disease, a choice, or a moral failing has caused much debate. Does a person make a conscious choice to become addicted to these substances? Is that choice the result of moral weakness? Or is addiction a disease that develops over time that the medical...
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