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Mental Health

Mental Health |

Mental health issues and substance use often go together and are called co-occurring disorders. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

Ten Strategies to Enhance Neuroplasticity During Addiction Recovery
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s remarkable capacity to adapt and transform in response to a variety of factors, ranging from our daily experiences to more significant life events. This adaptability is not just limited to childhood. Our brains continue to evolve and reconfigure themselves throughout our lifetime.  Although different types of neuroplasticity do occur, the two...
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The Link Between Addiction and Suicide
Substance addiction and suicide are two deeply troubling issues that often go hand in hand. The link between the two is complex and multifaceted, with addiction playing a significant role in increasing the risk of suicide.  Understanding Addiction and Its Impact on Mental Health Addiction encompasses more than just a physical dependence on substances. It...
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Pregnancy and addiction
Pregnancy complications increase significantly when the mother has a drug or alcohol addiction. From fetal alcohol syndrome to developmental delays, the impact of addiction on pregnancy can be devastating. However, at Anabranch Recovery Center, we understand that addiction has a powerful hold, and that it takes a wealth of compassionate, nonjudgmental support to help a...
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD and seasonal depression, is a type of depression that affects individuals during specific seasons. In most cases, symptoms begin towards the end of fall or the beginning of winter and end in the spring. This disorder is known as winter depression or winter-pattern SAD. However, some individuals experience...
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Returning to Work After Addiction Treatment
You may be apprehensive about returning to work after treatment. Feeling nervous about your transition back to work is normal, but these tips can make the process less stressful.  Tips for Returning to Work After Treatment Since stress can often be a trigger for relapse, it is important to make the return to work as...
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partner’s drinking, partner who drinks, Relapse triggers, Communication, Relationships,
You have made the commitment to stay sober, but what do you do if your partner is still drinking around you? This can not only be difficult but may trigger a relapse. Now that you are sober, you may begin to see your partner differently. As you progress on your journey, the relationship you had...
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girl stress help recovery
Stress is something we all have to deal with in some way. Someone in recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction must be especially vigilant in coping with stress to avoid falling back into old habits of drinking or using drugs. Healthy coping methods accelerate a return to calm as opposed to numbing feelings. Not...
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Recovery Journal, pretty woman sitting and writing in a journal near a brightly lit window - journaling
Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction takes daily commitment and hard work. One helpful tool in the healing process is journaling. Journaling provides you the opportunity to express your frustrations, sorrows, joys, worries, and accomplishments without judgment. Journaling As Part of Your Recovery Process When journaling, there are no rules to follow and no...
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shadowed shot of extremely distraught woman with a gauze bandage wrapped around one wrist - PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects people emotionally and mentally. It causes them to have nightmares and experience unwanted memories. They deal with severe anxiety and have difficulty functioning in their daily life. Many people struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder try to get relief from symptoms by using alcohol or drugs. What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder...
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Neuroplasticity, woman's hand with a digital overlay of the human brain hovering above her hand - neuroplasticity
Scientists once thought the human brain was a static organ when fully developed. They believed if it suffered an injury, accident, or other types of damage, it would not completely recover. They now know that the brain can heal itself when damaged. Although individual neurons may be unrepairable, the brain can forge new neural pathways...
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