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Terry Hurley
Positive Affirmations Help Addiction Recovery,
Positive affirmations are powerful tools that play a significant role in addiction recovery. They help individuals stay focused, motivated, and positive throughout their journey toward sobriety. They provide a way to challenge and change patterns of negative thinking. Understanding Positive Affirmations and Their Role in Recovery                        ...
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Substitute Addiction
When someone in recovery from an addiction to drugs or alcohol replaces one type of addiction with a different one, it is called a substitute or replacement addiction. Almost anyone in recovery faces the chance of developing a substitute addiction. The replacement addiction could be behavioral or substance-based.Why Do Substitute Addictions Occur?Over the years, researchers...
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How Does Alcohol Affect the Teenage Brain?
There is no denying the teenage years are a period of intense growth and change. Although they are beginning to look like adults, teenagers’ brains are far from fully developed. A person’s brain does not finish maturing and developing until they are in their mid to late 20s. It is crucial to understand how alcohol...
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Veterans and first responders,
The experiences of United States Veterans, first responders, and active military personnel set them apart from the civilian population. These men and women have stood in the face of danger, navigated life-threatening situations, and made sacrifices that leave lasting impacts on their mental and physical well-being. It is these very experiences, filled with high stress...
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Have you ever known someone who has stopped drinking alcohol but continues to exhibit behaviors and thought patterns associated with addiction? In the past, this person might have been called a “dry drunk” or referred to as having “dry drunk syndrome.” While we no longer like to label people in this way, the characteristics associated...
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Recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and, sometimes, setbacks. One of the most daunting hurdles individuals face is the risk of a drug or alcohol relapse. Statistics show that 40-60% of people in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction will relapse at least once time during their recovery....
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Effects of Drug Addiction,
Drug and alcohol addiction, also known as substance use disorder (SUD), is considered a health crisis in the United States. More than 48.7 million people in the U.S. who are 12 years old or older have an SUD. A treatable mental disorder, SUD affects an individual’s brain and behavior. They are unable to control their...
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Signs of Functional Alcoholism,
Do you know someone who regularly enjoys too much wine or a few too many beers? They appear normal, manage their responsibilities, and do not seem outwardly affected by their heavy drinking. Have you wondered if they are a functioning alcoholic? Recognizing the signs of functional alcoholism can be a crucial step to help the...
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Side Effects of Narcan, What is Narcan, Effects of Narcan,
In recent years, there has been a rise in drug overdose rates due to the increasing abuse of opioids. Thankfully, a life-saving antidote called Narcan is available. Designed to counteract the effects of an overdose swiftly, Narcan is a crucial development in the ongoing battle against drug addiction.What is Narcan and Its Role in Drug...
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Understanding Prescription Drug Addiction, Prescribed Medications,
In recent years, the escalating issue of prescription drug addiction has started to come into sharp focus. Although illegal substances typically get the most attention, the misuse of prescription drugs is also taking lives in every community across the United States. Prescription medication addiction underscores the importance of understanding that drug addiction can arise from...
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