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Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery |

Anabranch Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance use disorders and addiction recovery. Here you will find news, information, and inspiration about drug and alcohol addiction treatment modalities, recovery stories, and more.

Positive Affirmations Help Addiction Recovery,
Positive affirmations are powerful tools that play a significant role in addiction recovery. They help individuals stay focused, motivated, and positive throughout their journey toward sobriety. They provide a way to challenge and change patterns of negative thinking. Understanding Positive Affirmations and Their Role in Recovery                        ...
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How Does Alcohol Affect the Teenage Brain?
There is no denying the teenage years are a period of intense growth and change. Although they are beginning to look like adults, teenagers’ brains are far from fully developed. A person’s brain does not finish maturing and developing until they are in their mid to late 20s. It is crucial to understand how alcohol...
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Have you ever known someone who has stopped drinking alcohol but continues to exhibit behaviors and thought patterns associated with addiction? In the past, this person might have been called a “dry drunk” or referred to as having “dry drunk syndrome.” While we no longer like to label people in this way, the characteristics associated...
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Recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and, sometimes, setbacks. One of the most daunting hurdles individuals face is the risk of a drug or alcohol relapse. Statistics show that 40-60% of people in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction will relapse at least once time during their recovery....
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What Should I Do After a Relapse?, After a Relapse
Recovery from alcohol or drug addiction is a lifelong journey that takes commitment and hard work. Just like other chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, addiction is a disease in which relapse is possible and even likely. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 40 to 60 percent...
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11 Ways to Help Your Loved One Return Home from Addiction Treatment, Support your loved one's recovery journey
Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is an ongoing process that continues even after the person leaves the addiction treatment center. If you have a loved one returning home from treatment, you have a critical role in supporting their recovery. While you cannot control your loved one’s choices, you can take some steps to help...
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Mindfulness helps addiction recovery. Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a practice that involves intentionally focusing one’s attention on the present moment without judgment or attachment to thoughts or emotions. It is a state of active awareness that allows individuals to observe their experiences without getting caught up in them. Mindfulness may sound simple, but the skill requires practice and effort. Understanding the...
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Holidays in Addiction Recovery
The holidays can be a time of excitement, joy, and celebration for many people. During this special time, families gather together to honor cherished traditions while the air is filled with a sense of generosity and love. However, for those in addiction recovery, the holidays can also be a time of added stress, triggers, and...
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Tips for Supporting a Loved One in Recovery
Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction is a journey that can be challenging, not just for the person in recovery but also for their loved ones. As a family member or friend of someone in addiction recovery, it is important to provide support and encouragement to help them stay on track and achieve their...
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Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, Symptoms of Post-acute Withdrawal Syndrome,
If a person has an addiction to drugs or alcohol and abruptly stops using, they go through detox and withdrawal. Withdrawal brings physical, emotional, and mental symptoms as the body rids itself of the substance and cleanses the bloodstream. During the acute withdrawal stage, physical symptoms last three to seven days, after which the person...
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